Poker Rules / Suggestions
1. Stakes
- 7 Card Stud, Quarter (no pairs), half dollar (pair showing or on 6th and 7th card.
- 5 card draw-half dollar open, $1 after draw-maximum of 3 cards.
- Omaha
- Each hand, each player antes a quarter or half dollar depending on game.
- Maximum of 3 raises.
2. No wild cards; no checking and raising. Game is dealer’s choice.
3. Hi-Low – If player goes both (swings) he must win both or lose entire pot. No ties.
Best Low is Ace, 2, 3, 4, 6 (not all same suit)
4. Declaring Hi-Low: No coin=Low, One coin= High, Two coins= Both (Swings), There is additional bet after declaring.
5. Royalty Hands: 4 of a kind, a straight flush or royal flush. Gets additional $1 from each player.
6. End Of Night Deal Off: 3 bets of $2 each-7 card no peak game. Winners are high hand, low hand and high spade.
Contact: Mike Flugman, 750-5224, [email protected]
1st Tuesday of the month
6:30pm – 9:00 pm
Truman Rec Center- Edsel Room
Bring your own drinks and snacks.